Tuesday, March 13, 2012

How Did You Get Into Cricut

This is the question of the day, How did you get into Cricut. This is my story and I am sticking to it. I am a jack of all trades. I have an embroidery machine, sewing machines, I also knit and crochet. I stared about 2 1/2 mayb 3 yrs ago. I went to a local craft show, love craft shows, began to check out the other booths and what do I come across, a table filled w/cut up paper, WOOOOW. I went crazy and the drama began. I then bought 2 Orginal Cricut's, could not pass up. I got them 4 $75 each, bargin, bargin. As time went by I realized I needed a Bigger Cricut, WOOOHOOO. Well I bought 2 of them and yes the price was super great (hooked on ebay). I love my Cricut Expression. I am down to one because I got the daughter and grand-daughter hooked, so I shared the fun. I am still in the learning phase and I am still having fun. This is what you need to do, get on over to http://mycricutcraftroom.blogspot.com/2012/03/how-did-you-get-into-cricut.html and post for that chance to win the exclusive Sophie cartridge and while u r there wish Erica a Big ole Happy B'day.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. LOL love your story.. we need to go shopping at craft stores together!! lol Doris
